Legal Implications of the Medical LSD Clinical Trials

Exciting stuff happens in Florida all the time, but this one is different. When a guy dives into a crocodile pond at a zoo in Florida, it’s just a regular day; only when he dives in a second time to retrieve his phone, and in the process gets the phone but loses a foot, does the incident become newsworthy. The crime of the century happens multiple times a day in Florida. Every year, real estate developers build bank-breaking monuments to excess on Florida coastlines; hurricanes blow through town every summer and demolish them, and the next year the real estate developers build even gaudier monuments in their place, and conspicuous consumers snap them up as if they were thrill seekers in a crocodile pond. If you have spent the past decade in Florida on a continuous cannabis high, you might not have noticed how much cannabis laws have changed. Even if you have perused every post on High Times and unmuted C-SPAN every time the closed captioning showed the word “cannabis” or “drugs,” you would still be surprised to find out that clinical trials are going on right now to investigate the potential clinical applications of LSD, and it is happening right here in Florida. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can start dropping acid and then just flash your medical marijuana card when the cops show up. If you have legal problems stemming from an acid tab you bought on the street or at a concert, contact a Florida drug offenses attorney.
What Is So Special About This One-Off Acid Trip?
In an office building in Broward County, several dozen lucky participants go into a designated “trip room” and drop an acid tab. Then the researchers observe them for the next twelve hours and then send them home. Twelve weeks later, the participants report back to the researchers about whether their anxiety symptoms have decreased since the legally sanctioned acid test. So far, about two thirds of participants have consistently felt much better since their sojourn in the trip room.
The drug the study participants received is called MM-120, manufactured by a company called MindMed. The only active ingredient is LSD, and the tabs also have some inactive ingredients that make them more shelf stable than the acid you buy on the street. The doses being tested range from 25 micrograms to 200 micrograms, in other words, equal to and slightly higher than the doses typical of recreational use.
Yes, LSD is a Schedule I controlled substance. Typically, it is illegal to conduct medical research on Schedule I drugs, but the researchers got special permission to conduct this trial. This trial could be a sign of a larger movement to reschedule drugs with the potential to treat mental illnesses; this category of drugs includes cannabis and psychedelics such as psilocybin, ayahuasca, and LSD.
Contact FL Drug Defense Group About Drug Cases
A Central Florida criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are facing criminal charges for possession of LSD. Contact FL Drug Defense Group in Orlando, Florida to discuss your case.