Theft of a Controlled Substance Is Always a Felony, Even If You Only Steal One Pill

When schools caution children against drug abuse and addiction, they often talk about illegal drugs, but as any doctor who has treated patients with substance use disorder knows, people are just as likely to misuse drugs that it is legal for doctors to prescribe. Some prescription drugs are notorious as street drugs that happen to make their debut on the street while dressed in a prescription bottle, not because these drugs are the most addictive, but rather because the person who gets the prescription does not need to take the whole bottle. This is especially true of drugs that people take on an as-needed basis, such as Xanax or Valium, as well as some stimulants used to take ADHD. Any resident of a college dorm who has a prescription for an ADHD medicine such as Adderall automatically has an opportunity to sell a few pills to neighbors who procrastinated their term papers and really need to concentrate. Needless to say, selling a drug that was prescribed to you is illegal, as is buying one from the person to whom it was prescribed. Stealing controlled substances is two crimes in one, and it is always a felony. If you have been charged with drug possession, especially if you are being accused of stealing the drugs, contact a Florida drug crimes defense attorney.
Three Adderall Pills, Two Teachers, and One Classroom
On February 19, a teacher at Duval Charter School at Southside left her purse on her desk when she left the classroom. In her purse was her prescription bottle for Adderall, which had three pills left. According to footage from the security camera mounted in the hallway, the only person who entered the room while the victim was away was Megan Mary Jones, who also teaches at the school. When the victim returned to her classroom, she noticed that the pill bottle in her purse was empty, and she reported the incident to police.
On February 22, police arrested Jones and booked her at the Duval County Jail but then released her until her next court date; she faces charges of theft of a controlled substance, which is a felony regardless of the monetary value of the substance stolen. According to the court records, Jones was accepted to a pretrial diversion program, which means that, among other requirements, she will need to undergo drug treatment. If she successfully completes the program, she has the chances to have the charges dropped, which means that she could end up with no criminal record.
Let Us Help You Today
Pretrial diversion programs for drug offenses are an opportunity to turn your life around. If spending years in prison for stealing three pills sounds excessive, it is. A Florida drug offense attorney can ensure that you get fair treatment in relation to your drug-related charges and that the court respects your constitutional rights. Contact FL Drug Defense Group to discuss your case.