Why Do Police Drop Charges In Drug Cases?

You may have heard the scary statistic that 90 percent of defendants in criminal cases plead guilty, but that does not mean that, if you get arrested on suspicion of a drug crime, the chances that you will emerge from the incident without a criminal record are less than ten percent. This figure does not include the many instances where prosecutors drop the case against the defendant before or after formally pressing charges. They usually do this when it becomes apparent that police did not have the right to arrest you or that the evidence against you is not strong enough to convict you. The best way to maximize your chances of getting the charges dropped after a drug arrest is to contact a Florida drug offense attorney.
The Case of Stitches
Phillip Katsabanis is a Miami-based rapper who records under the stage name Stitches. Early one morning in August 2022, Katsabanis and his wife Erica were at their recording studio in Bay Harbor Islands, when Katsabanis called the police. He said that four armed men had attempted to break into the store, and Katsabanis fired two warning shots to scare them away. The police arrived about half an hour later and confiscated a container weighing about half a pound, with white powder and blue pills inside. A field test identified the substance as cocaine. Police arrested Katsabanis and took him to jail, where he was later released after posting bond. He was charged for felony drug possession and misdemeanor illegally discharging a firearm.
Meanwhile, evidence failed to materialize. Two witnesses, construction workers who had been working near Katsabanis’ studio at the time of the 911 call, said that they neither saw intruders nor heard gunshots. Even worse for prosecutors, the forensics lab never received the container of drugs that police confiscated from the crime scene. On September 7, prosecutors approved a “no action” memo, dropping the charges against Katsabanis.
What Does This Mean for Your Case?
With no witness testimony to corroborate Katsabanis’ version of events and no drugs in the forensics lab, dropping the charges against Katsabanis was the only logical action for prosecutors to take. It may be possible to get your charges dropped even if the facts of your case are more ambiguous. Your lawyer may be able to persuade prosecutors that it is worthwhile to drop the charges instead of going to trial. Many plea deals involve prosecutors dropping some charges in exchange for the defendant pleading guilty to other charges. If you enter a pretrial diversion program through drug court, prosecutors will drop your charges if you successfully complete the program.
Contact FL Drug Defense Group About Getting Your Drug Charges Dropped
A Central Florida criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are facing charges for drug possession, but the evidence against you is not very strong or the police did not have the right to confiscate items from your residence or workplace. Contact FL Drug Defense Group in Orlando, Florida to discuss your case.